The Parish Council has a number of policies, orders and  documents that it works to and/or abides by. The documents listed below provide  guidance to the Parish Council in serving its community. These documents can be printed for reference, but cannot be altered, and are published in  accordance with Crown Copyright regulations.

Document TitleDownload
Email and Internet Usage Policy Download
Grievance Policy Download
Health and Safety Policy Download
Information Security Incident Policy Download
Investment Policy Download
Lone Working Policy Download
Media and Communications Policy Download
Recording of Meetings Policy Download
Statement of Internal Control Download
Privacy Notice Download
Subject Data Access Policy Download
Co-option Policy Download
Councillor – Officer Protocol Download
Standing Orders Download
Financial Regulations Download
Data ProtectionRead more
Code of Conduct Download
Freedom of Information Download
Model Publication Scheme Download
Aims & Objectives Download
Community Engagement Strategy Download
Complaints Policy Download
Training Policy Download
Grants Policy Download