Link to application documentsSite addressApplication details
B2166 Pagham Road Roundabout To Island Cottage North Mundham
Erection of 41 no. dwellings and associated development, including landscaping, highways and parking.
HN/20/01087/FULGrists Farm
Stationing of a mobile home for agricultural use
HN/20/00569/FULLand East of Farmfield Nurseries
Selsey Road
Demolition of existing stable and erection of new 1.5 storey stable building
HN/20/00492/DOMThe White House
Selsey Road
Variation of condition 6 of permission HN/07/05132/DOM - use of garage as habitable space
HN/20/00585/PA1A45 St Leodegars Way
Single storey extension to the rear - (a) Rear extension 4.52m (b) Maximum height 3.60m (c) Height of eaves 3.00m
HN/20/00362/PA1A6 Acacia Villas
Blackman Way
Single storey extension to rear a) rear extension 4.00m b) maximum height 3.50m and c) height of eaves 2.75m.

HN/00967/DOMFieldview, Southover Way
Extension of existing dormers
Hunston Planning Committee
HN/02448/TPA1 Brook Lea
Crown reduce by 50% (due to weak unions to base of the trees) on 2 no. Field Maple trees (T4 and T5) subject to HN/18/00006/TPO.
Hunston Planning Committee
HN/18/02315/DOM26 Foxbridge Drive
Change of use of garage space to habitable accommodation. Demolition of existing conservatory replaced with two storey rear extension with associated roof works and various alterations and additions
pending consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/18/02282/FULLand south of Little Willow, Hunston Road
Change of use for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes together with dayrooms ancilliary to that use.
Pending consideration by Chichester DistrictCouncil
HN/18/02330/TPALand north of 1-4 Brook Lea
Removal of lowest 1 no. southern branch on 1 no. Ash Tree (T1). Removal of lowest 4 no. branches on 1 no. Ash Tree (T2). Both trees subject to HN/18/00069/TPO
Pending Consideration by Chichester DistrictCouncil
HN/18/02268/TPAThe Retreat, Southover Way
Reduce height by 50% (to similar heights as the Poplar Tress within The Conifers) on 2 no. Poplar Trees (quoted as T1 and T2), within group G1 subject to HN96/00550/TPO
Pending Consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/18/01869/DOMTennessee Farm
Internal and external alterations and raise ridge to accommodate studio over rooms and garage
Pending consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/18/01697/TPA8 Outram Way
Fell 1 no. Poplar tree within Group, G1 subject to HN/04/00552/TPO.
Chichester District Council
granted Permission
HN/18/01335/FULHoe Farm, Hunston
Single storey extension to clubhouse
Chichester District Council granted permission on 25/06/18
HN/18/01213/FULHunston Joinery, Southover Way
Demolition of workshop and erection of two dwellings.
Chichester District Council
refused permission on 12/07/18
HN/18/01320/FULLand East of Lowlands, Hunston
7 no. dwellings, parking, landscaping, alterations to access and associated works.
Chichester District Council granted permission
HN/18/01336/FULLand south of Little Willow, Hunston Road Hunston
Construction of hard standing (part retrospective).
Chichester District Council granted permission on 16/07/18
HN/18/01219/TCAThe Manor House
Notification of intention to reduce height by 4m on 1 no. Sycamore tree (A) and 1 no. Ash tree (B).
Chichester District Council granted permission on 21/06/18
HN/18/00820/FULCarmelite Convent, Hunston Road, Hunston
Variation of condition 2 (plans) of permission HN/15/03489/FUL. Remove all but 3 chimneys, reconstruct 3 chimneys, reconstruct the top of the gables and rebuild the bell tower. Site layout and landscaping amendments to accommodate detailed access arrangements.
Chichester District Council granted permission
HN/18/00953/FULBerrymead Farm, Hunston Road, Hunston
Demolition of existing stables and erection of new stables, hay store and manage with new courtyard for parking and fencing.
Chichester District Council granted permission
HN/18/00962/DOM & LBCKipson House, Selsey Rd
Extension to garage on ground floor and extension to roof to create first floor studio.
Chichester District Council
granted permission
HN/18/00909/DOM & LBCKipson House, Selsey Rd
Replacement porch
Chichester District Council granted permission
HN/18/00876/DOM85 St Leodegars Way
New pitched roof porch. Two storey extension to the rear with false pitched roof. Single storey extension to the side with false pitched roof.
Chichester District Council
refused permission
HN/18/00885/FULLand adjacent to Chichester Free School
Construction of a new bus stop and layby.
Chichester District Council
granted permission
HN/18100197/FULLand Between Former Carmelite Convent And A27 To North, Hunston Road, Hunston
Construction of a cycle and footway including associated landscaping, lighting and fencing running adjacent to the B2145 from south of Whyke Roundabout existing footway facilities to Chichester Free School.
Chichester District Council
granted permission
HN/17/03660/FULLakeside Barn, Hunston
Retrospective application for detached utility building in lieu of approved semi-detached utility building.
Chichester District Council
granted permission
HN/18/00010/DOM1 Joyces Cottages, Southover Way, Hunston
Two storey rear extension
Chichester District Council
granted permission
HN/17/03400/FULChichester Golf Club
Construction of extension to existing driving range/reception/cafe building to form an adventure golf facility (known as glow-in-the dark mini golf).
Chichester District Council granted permission on 26/01/2018
HN/17/03313/DOM38 St Leodegars Way
Proposed increase in size of front dormer creating space for 1 no. bedroom and 1 no. bathroom
Pending consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/17/02941/DOM10 Oakview, Selsey Road
Proposed works include front porch, rear conservatory and rear first floor extension
Chichester District Council granted permission 07/12/17
HN/17/02659/DOM37 St Leodegars Way
Replacement extension over existing footprint of porch, replacement door, 1 no. high level/obscured window and pitched roof
Chichester District Council granted permission 07/11/17
HN/17/02426/DOMFrensham House, Selsey Road.
Insulate exterior walls, replace square bay windows with angled bay with hip ended pitched roofs, lantern light to rear roof and renovate internally.
Chichester District Council granted permission on 10/10/17
HN/17/02423/FULBrook Lea, Hunston Road
Variation of condition 8 of permission HN/17/00314/FUL. Omit the post and rail fence and amend plan
Chichester District Council refused permission 26/10/17
HN/17/01329/DOMWestern Farm,
1 Watery Lane, Hunston
2 storey side extension
Chichester District Council granted permission on 04/08/17
HN/17/01414/PLD39 St Leodegars Way
Use of loft space as habitable accommodation with dormer extension
Application withdrawn 27/06/17
HN/17/01301/ADVBrook Lea, Selsey Road
1 no. temporary non illuminated hoarding sign
Chichester District Council granted permission 15/11/17
HN/17/00325/TPAThe Conifers,
Southover Way, Hunston
Reduce heights by 50%, remove epicormic growth and reduce south sectors by 4m on 6 no. Poplar Trees within group G1 subject to HN/06/00550/TPO
Chichester District Council granted permission on 09/03/17
HN/17/00284/DOM40 St Leodegars Way, Hunston
Proposed 2 storey side extension and enlarged front dormer
Chichester District Council granted permission on 23/03/17
HN/17/00204/FULChichester Golf Club, Hunston
Construction of extension to existing driving range/reception/café building to form an adventure golf facility (known as glow-in-the-dark mini golf)
Chichester District Council granted permission on 23/03/17
HN/16/04005/DOMWestern Farm, 1 Watery Lane, Hunston
Construction of outbuilding to be used for studio, gym and garden room.
Chichester District Council granted permission on 28/02/17
HN/16/03286/FULBarn North Of Hunston Dairy Farm, Hunston
Variation of condition 8 from planning permission HN/13/04020/FUL - extend working hours to 8am-4pm on a Saturday.
Application closed. Enforcement proceedings under way
HN/16/03505/DOCCarmelite Convent
Discharge of condition 9 from planning permission HN/15/03489/FUL
Pending consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/1603215/DOM20 St Leodegars Way
Proposed side and rear single storey extension
Chichester District Council granted permission on 20/12/16
HN/16/02447/DOMDuntulm, 8 St Leodegars Way, Hunston
Single storey rear extension and extension to first floor dormer.
Chichester District Council granted permission on 09/11/16
HN/16/02672/REMBrook Lea, Selsey Road Hunston
Appearance & Landscaping
Chichester District Council granted permission on 28/11/16
HN/1602350/DOM40 St Leodegars way
ground floor extension, provision of 3rd single bedroom above first floor under a pitched roof and enlargement to front dormer.
Chichester District Council granted permission 05/09/2016
HN/16/02152/DOMThe Cottage, Hunston Road
Granny annexe extension to rear of property
Application withdrawn
HN/16/01665/OUT1 St Leodegars Way
Outline application for the erection of 1 no. 3 bedroom dwelling.
Chichester District Council refused the application on 15/08/2016
HN/15/03489/FULCarmelite Convent, Hunston
The development of a new school (Class D1), including the part demolition part refurbishment of existing former Carmelite Convent, toghether with new access arrangements, car parking, outdoor play areas, landscaping and associated works.
Chichester District Council
granted approval 25/05/2016
HN/16/00856/OUTBrook Lea, Selsey Road, Hunston
Redevelopment of the site for 7 no. dwellings and associated works
Application withdrawn
HN/16/00857/OUTBrook Lea, Selsey Road, Hunston
Redevelopment of the site for 5 no. dwellings and associated works
Chichester District Council granted permission on 26/07/2016
HN/16/00119/DOMBerrycote, Southover Way, Hunston
Porch and bay window.
Chichester District Council granted permission on 13/04/16
HN/16/00607/LBCSpire Cottage, Church Lane, Hunston
Replacement timber windows at first floor level, with timber glazed doors and clear glass screens.
Chichester District Council refused permission on 15/04/16
36 St Leodegars Way
Enlarged front dormer and replacement single storey rear extension
Chichester District Council granted permission on 14/04/16
HN/15/03552/DOM60 St Leodegars Way
Proposed single storey side and rear extension
Pending consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/15/03489/FULCarmelite Convent, Hunston
The development of a new school (Class D1), including the part demolition part refurbishment of existing former Carmelite Convent, toghether with new access arrangements, car parking, outdoor play areas, landscaping and associated works.
Pending consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/15/03282/DOM6 Tramway Close, Hunston
Single storey side extension
Chichester District Council granted permission 20/11/2015
HN/15/03045/FULFrensham House , Selsey Road, Hunston
Change of use to part of ground floor from antiques shop (use class A1) to residential use in association with main dwelling (use class C3).
Chichester District Council granted permission 23/11/15
HN/15/02555/LBCSpire Cottage, Church Lane
Replacement timber windows at first floor level, with timber glazed doors and safety screens
Refused by Chichester District Council
HN/15/02338/FULJestico's Close
Removal of Conditions 12 and 13 of planning permission HN/06/00838/FUL.
Chichester District Council refused permission on 28/09/15
Southover Way
Demolition of garage, erection of a single storey side and rear additions, alterations and entrance canopy
Chichester District Council granted permission on 14/08/15
Kipson House
Selsey Road
Replacement of existing windows to modern link building with French doors
Permission granted by Chichester District Council on 05/08/15
SY/15/00490/FULLand North West Of Park Road, Selsey
Erection of 110 residential dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping, open space and works.
Chichester District Council
granted permission on 17/08/15
HN/15/00532/DOM55 Westlands Road
Single story extension
Permission granted by Chichester District Council on 09/04/15
HN/15/00332/DOCFoxbridge Drive
Discharge of Condition 22 of planning permission HN/12/02692/FUL
Permission granted by Chichester District Council
HN/15/00066/DOM44 St Leodegars Way
Dormer projection to front elevation as part of proposed roof conversion
Permission granted by Chichester District Council on 09/03/15
HN/14/03567/DOMKipson Green House,
Selsey Road
Detached garage with integrated home office
Chichester District Council granted permission on 02/12/14
HN/14/03820/DOM34 St Leodegars Way
Proposed loft conversion
Pending consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/14/02102/DOMOakview 10A, Hunston
Demolition of existing pre-fabricated garage. Erection of detached double garage and store
Chichester District Council granted permission on 20/08/14
HN/14/02142/FULSt Josephs Night Shelter
Hunston Road, Hunston
Ground floor office extension
Chichester District Council granted permission on 20/08/14
HN/14/01727/DOM27 Foxbridge Drive
Conversion of part of tandem garage into a habitable room.
Chichester District Council granted permission on 14/07/2014
HN/14/01219/DOMCanal Cottage, Hunston
Build a wall in front of existing hedge fronting the B2145
Chichester District Council refused permission on 16/07/14
HN/14/01415/DOMEastern Cottage, Watery Lane
Erection o timber clad garage for 1 & 2 Western & Eastern Cottages
Chichester District Council granted permission on 14/07/2014
HN/14/01527/FULNorthmark, Foxbridge Drive
Variation of Condition 2 & * from planning permission. Ommission of 2 no. double garages and replacement with open car parking spaces.
Pending consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/13/04020/FULLand North of Hunston Dairy
Change of use from Agricultural Barn to automobile repair business for a temporary 5 years
Pending consideration by Chichester District Council
HN/14/01032/FUL14 Highbank
Timber garage at rear of property
Chichester District Council granted permission on 22/05/2014
HN/14/00653/TPALand South & West of 3 Outram Way
Crown reduce by 25% (side and to branches to be reduced no more than 2.5m) and branches overhanging western sector fence line to be reduced by 3m on 6 no. Poplar Trees within Group G1 subject to HN/96/00550/TPO
Chichester District Council granted permission on 16/04/2014
HN/14/00461/ELDTennessee Farm
Proposed certificate of Lawful development for Tennessee Farmhouse not being constructed in accordance with the approved plans of HN/16/62E
Chichester District Council granted permission on 28/04/2014
HN/14/00419/FULSt Josephs Night Shelter
Construction of new residential unit (class 2) for 5 persons with associated landscaping works
Chichester District Council granted permission on 3/04/2014
HN/14/00334/DOM72 Orchardside
Retrospective construction of an outbuilding (presently used as a garage/workshop and utility room).
Chichester District Council granted permission on 23/04/2014
HN/14/00240/FULChichester Golf Club
Extension of golf range/golf shop for multi-use area comprising function area and coffee shop. Creation of 18 hole adventure golf course with ancillary structures and landscaping at Chichester Golf Club.
Chichester District Council granted permission on 24/03/2014
HN/14/00387/DOM 2 Meadow Close
Demolition of existing side extension and erection of side and rear single storey extension. Raise ridge height by 500mm.
Chichester District Council granted permission 28/03/2014
HN/14/00386/DOM 41 St Leodegars Way
Single storey extension.
Chichester District Council granted permission on 23/04/14
HN/13/04194/DOM35 Westlands Road
Rear Chalet extension with dormer
Chichester District Council granted permission 03/04/2014
HN/13/03158/FULLand at Lakeside Barn
The use of land for the stationing of 3 no. mobile homes and touring caravan for settled accommodation, the retention of access and hardstanding. The erection of 4 no. stables and tack room, and retention of use of former agricultural barn to provide ancillary utility area in connection with the use of land as a private gypsy and traveller site.
Chichester District Council granted permission on 07/03/14
HN/03574/TPA11 Foxbridge Drive
Reduce height and width (back to old would points) and removal of two low horizontal branches at approx. 3.5m (above ground level) on 1 no. Poplar tree (T10) subject to HN/96/00550/TPO
Chichester District Council granted permission on 05/12/13
HN/13/03291/DOM2 Meadow Close
Rear infill extension and new roof (increase in ridge height)
Chichester District Council refused permission on 19/12/13
HN/13/02904/FUL10 Oakview
Selsey Road
Chichester District Council refused this application on 28/10/13
An appeal is now in progress