Link to application documents | Site address | Application details |
NM/20/01686/FUL | Lowlands B2166 Pagham Road Roundabout To Island Cottage North Mundham | Erection of 41 no. dwellings and associated development, including landscaping, highways and parking. |
HN/20/01087/FUL | Grists Farm Hunston | Stationing of a mobile home for agricultural use |
HN/20/00569/FUL | Land East of Farmfield Nurseries Selsey Road Hunston | Demolition of existing stable and erection of new 1.5 storey stable building |
HN/20/00492/DOM | The White House Selsey Road Hunston | Variation of condition 6 of permission HN/07/05132/DOM - use of garage as habitable space |
HN/20/00585/PA1A | 45 St Leodegars Way Hunston | Single storey extension to the rear - (a) Rear extension 4.52m (b) Maximum height 3.60m (c) Height of eaves 3.00m |
HN/20/00362/PA1A | 6 Acacia Villas Blackman Way Hunston | Single storey extension to rear a) rear extension 4.00m b) maximum height 3.50m and c) height of eaves 2.75m. |
HN/00967/DOM | Fieldview, Southover Way Extension of existing dormers | Hunston Planning Committee 17/10/18 |
HN/02448/TPA | 1 Brook Lea Crown reduce by 50% (due to weak unions to base of the trees) on 2 no. Field Maple trees (T4 and T5) subject to HN/18/00006/TPO. | Hunston Planning Committee 17/10/18 |
HN/18/02315/DOM | 26 Foxbridge Drive Change of use of garage space to habitable accommodation. Demolition of existing conservatory replaced with two storey rear extension with associated roof works and various alterations and additions | pending consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/18/02282/FUL | Land south of Little Willow, Hunston Road Change of use for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes together with dayrooms ancilliary to that use. | Pending consideration by Chichester DistrictCouncil |
HN/18/02330/TPA | Land north of 1-4 Brook Lea Removal of lowest 1 no. southern branch on 1 no. Ash Tree (T1). Removal of lowest 4 no. branches on 1 no. Ash Tree (T2). Both trees subject to HN/18/00069/TPO | Pending Consideration by Chichester DistrictCouncil |
HN/18/02268/TPA | The Retreat, Southover Way Reduce height by 50% (to similar heights as the Poplar Tress within The Conifers) on 2 no. Poplar Trees (quoted as T1 and T2), within group G1 subject to HN96/00550/TPO | Pending Consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/18/01869/DOM | Tennessee Farm Internal and external alterations and raise ridge to accommodate studio over rooms and garage | Pending consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/18/01697/TPA | 8 Outram Way Fell 1 no. Poplar tree within Group, G1 subject to HN/04/00552/TPO. | Chichester District Council granted Permission |
HN/18/01335/FUL | Hoe Farm, Hunston Single storey extension to clubhouse | Chichester District Council granted permission on 25/06/18 |
HN/18/01213/FUL | Hunston Joinery, Southover Way Demolition of workshop and erection of two dwellings. | Chichester District Council refused permission on 12/07/18 |
HN/18/01320/FUL | Land East of Lowlands, Hunston 7 no. dwellings, parking, landscaping, alterations to access and associated works. | Chichester District Council granted permission |
HN/18/01336/FUL | Land south of Little Willow, Hunston Road Hunston Construction of hard standing (part retrospective). | Chichester District Council granted permission on 16/07/18 |
HN/18/01219/TCA | The Manor House Notification of intention to reduce height by 4m on 1 no. Sycamore tree (A) and 1 no. Ash tree (B). | Chichester District Council granted permission on 21/06/18 |
HN/18/00820/FUL | Carmelite Convent, Hunston Road, Hunston Variation of condition 2 (plans) of permission HN/15/03489/FUL. Remove all but 3 chimneys, reconstruct 3 chimneys, reconstruct the top of the gables and rebuild the bell tower. Site layout and landscaping amendments to accommodate detailed access arrangements. | Chichester District Council granted permission |
HN/18/00953/FUL | Berrymead Farm, Hunston Road, Hunston Demolition of existing stables and erection of new stables, hay store and manage with new courtyard for parking and fencing. | Chichester District Council granted permission |
HN/18/00962/DOM & LBC | Kipson House, Selsey Rd Extension to garage on ground floor and extension to roof to create first floor studio. | Chichester District Council granted permission |
HN/18/00909/DOM & LBC | Kipson House, Selsey Rd Replacement porch | Chichester District Council granted permission |
HN/18/00876/DOM | 85 St Leodegars Way New pitched roof porch. Two storey extension to the rear with false pitched roof. Single storey extension to the side with false pitched roof. | Chichester District Council refused permission |
HN/18/00885/FUL | Land adjacent to Chichester Free School Construction of a new bus stop and layby. | Chichester District Council granted permission |
HN/18100197/FUL | Land Between Former Carmelite Convent And A27 To North, Hunston Road, Hunston Construction of a cycle and footway including associated landscaping, lighting and fencing running adjacent to the B2145 from south of Whyke Roundabout existing footway facilities to Chichester Free School. | Chichester District Council granted permission |
HN/17/03660/FUL | Lakeside Barn, Hunston Retrospective application for detached utility building in lieu of approved semi-detached utility building. | Chichester District Council granted permission |
HN/18/00010/DOM | 1 Joyces Cottages, Southover Way, Hunston Two storey rear extension | Chichester District Council granted permission |
HN/17/03400/FUL | Chichester Golf Club Construction of extension to existing driving range/reception/cafe building to form an adventure golf facility (known as glow-in-the dark mini golf). | Chichester District Council granted permission on 26/01/2018 |
HN/17/03313/DOM | 38 St Leodegars Way Proposed increase in size of front dormer creating space for 1 no. bedroom and 1 no. bathroom | Pending consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/17/02941/DOM | 10 Oakview, Selsey Road Proposed works include front porch, rear conservatory and rear first floor extension | Chichester District Council granted permission 07/12/17 |
HN/17/02659/DOM | 37 St Leodegars Way Replacement extension over existing footprint of porch, replacement door, 1 no. high level/obscured window and pitched roof | Chichester District Council granted permission 07/11/17 |
HN/17/02426/DOM | Frensham House, Selsey Road. Insulate exterior walls, replace square bay windows with angled bay with hip ended pitched roofs, lantern light to rear roof and renovate internally. | Chichester District Council granted permission on 10/10/17 |
HN/17/02423/FUL | Brook Lea, Hunston Road Variation of condition 8 of permission HN/17/00314/FUL. Omit the post and rail fence and amend plan | Chichester District Council refused permission 26/10/17 |
HN/17/01329/DOM | Western Farm, 1 Watery Lane, Hunston 2 storey side extension | Chichester District Council granted permission on 04/08/17 |
HN/17/01414/PLD | 39 St Leodegars Way Use of loft space as habitable accommodation with dormer extension | Application withdrawn 27/06/17 |
HN/17/01301/ADV | Brook Lea, Selsey Road 1 no. temporary non illuminated hoarding sign | Chichester District Council granted permission 15/11/17 |
HN/17/00325/TPA | The Conifers, Southover Way, Hunston Reduce heights by 50%, remove epicormic growth and reduce south sectors by 4m on 6 no. Poplar Trees within group G1 subject to HN/06/00550/TPO | Chichester District Council granted permission on 09/03/17 |
HN/17/00284/DOM | 40 St Leodegars Way, Hunston Proposed 2 storey side extension and enlarged front dormer | Chichester District Council granted permission on 23/03/17 |
HN/17/00204/FUL | Chichester Golf Club, Hunston Construction of extension to existing driving range/reception/café building to form an adventure golf facility (known as glow-in-the-dark mini golf) | Chichester District Council granted permission on 23/03/17 |
HN/16/04005/DOM | Western Farm, 1 Watery Lane, Hunston Construction of outbuilding to be used for studio, gym and garden room. | Chichester District Council granted permission on 28/02/17 |
HN/16/03286/FUL | Barn North Of Hunston Dairy Farm, Hunston Variation of condition 8 from planning permission HN/13/04020/FUL - extend working hours to 8am-4pm on a Saturday. | Application closed. Enforcement proceedings under way |
HN/16/03505/DOC | Carmelite Convent Discharge of condition 9 from planning permission HN/15/03489/FUL | Pending consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/1603215/DOM | 20 St Leodegars Way Proposed side and rear single storey extension | Chichester District Council granted permission on 20/12/16 |
HN/16/02447/DOM | Duntulm, 8 St Leodegars Way, Hunston Single storey rear extension and extension to first floor dormer. | Chichester District Council granted permission on 09/11/16 |
HN/16/02672/REM | Brook Lea, Selsey Road Hunston Appearance & Landscaping | Chichester District Council granted permission on 28/11/16 |
HN/1602350/DOM | 40 St Leodegars way ground floor extension, provision of 3rd single bedroom above first floor under a pitched roof and enlargement to front dormer. | Chichester District Council granted permission 05/09/2016 |
HN/16/02152/DOM | The Cottage, Hunston Road Granny annexe extension to rear of property | Application withdrawn |
HN/16/01665/OUT | 1 St Leodegars Way Outline application for the erection of 1 no. 3 bedroom dwelling. | Chichester District Council refused the application on 15/08/2016 |
HN/15/03489/FUL | Carmelite Convent, Hunston The development of a new school (Class D1), including the part demolition part refurbishment of existing former Carmelite Convent, toghether with new access arrangements, car parking, outdoor play areas, landscaping and associated works. | Chichester District Council granted approval 25/05/2016 |
HN/16/00856/OUT | Brook Lea, Selsey Road, Hunston Redevelopment of the site for 7 no. dwellings and associated works | Application withdrawn |
HN/16/00857/OUT | Brook Lea, Selsey Road, Hunston Redevelopment of the site for 5 no. dwellings and associated works | Chichester District Council granted permission on 26/07/2016 |
HN/16/00119/DOM | Berrycote, Southover Way, Hunston Porch and bay window. | Chichester District Council granted permission on 13/04/16 |
HN/16/00607/LBC | Spire Cottage, Church Lane, Hunston Replacement timber windows at first floor level, with timber glazed doors and clear glass screens. | Chichester District Council refused permission on 15/04/16 |
HN/16/00293/DOM | Greenbank 36 St Leodegars Way Enlarged front dormer and replacement single storey rear extension | Chichester District Council granted permission on 14/04/16 |
HN/15/03552/DOM | 60 St Leodegars Way Proposed single storey side and rear extension | Pending consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/15/03489/FUL | Carmelite Convent, Hunston The development of a new school (Class D1), including the part demolition part refurbishment of existing former Carmelite Convent, toghether with new access arrangements, car parking, outdoor play areas, landscaping and associated works. | Pending consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/15/03282/DOM | 6 Tramway Close, Hunston Single storey side extension | Chichester District Council granted permission 20/11/2015 |
HN/15/03045/FUL | Frensham House , Selsey Road, Hunston Change of use to part of ground floor from antiques shop (use class A1) to residential use in association with main dwelling (use class C3). | Chichester District Council granted permission 23/11/15 |
HN/15/02555/LBC | Spire Cottage, Church Lane Replacement timber windows at first floor level, with timber glazed doors and safety screens | Refused by Chichester District Council |
HN/15/02338/FUL | Jestico's Close Removal of Conditions 12 and 13 of planning permission HN/06/00838/FUL. | Chichester District Council refused permission on 28/09/15 |
HN/15/02100/DOM | Rosetta Southover Way Hunston Demolition of garage, erection of a single storey side and rear additions, alterations and entrance canopy | Chichester District Council granted permission on 14/08/15 |
HN/15/01702/DOM HN/15/01776/LBC | Kipson House Selsey Road Hunston Replacement of existing windows to modern link building with French doors | Permission granted by Chichester District Council on 05/08/15 |
SY/15/00490/FUL | Land North West Of Park Road, Selsey Erection of 110 residential dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping, open space and works. | Chichester District Council granted permission on 17/08/15 |
HN/15/00532/DOM | 55 Westlands Road Single story extension | Permission granted by Chichester District Council on 09/04/15 |
HN/15/00332/DOC | Foxbridge Drive Discharge of Condition 22 of planning permission HN/12/02692/FUL | Permission granted by Chichester District Council |
HN/15/00066/DOM | 44 St Leodegars Way Dormer projection to front elevation as part of proposed roof conversion | Permission granted by Chichester District Council on 09/03/15 |
HN/14/03567/DOM | Kipson Green House, Selsey Road Detached garage with integrated home office | Chichester District Council granted permission on 02/12/14 |
HN/14/03820/DOM | 34 St Leodegars Way Proposed loft conversion | Pending consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/14/02102/DOM | Oakview 10A, Hunston Demolition of existing pre-fabricated garage. Erection of detached double garage and store | Chichester District Council granted permission on 20/08/14 |
HN/14/02142/FUL | St Josephs Night Shelter Hunston Road, Hunston Ground floor office extension | Chichester District Council granted permission on 20/08/14 |
HN/14/01727/DOM | 27 Foxbridge Drive Conversion of part of tandem garage into a habitable room. | Chichester District Council granted permission on 14/07/2014 |
HN/14/01219/DOM | Canal Cottage, Hunston Build a wall in front of existing hedge fronting the B2145 | Chichester District Council refused permission on 16/07/14 |
HN/14/01415/DOM | Eastern Cottage, Watery Lane Erection o timber clad garage for 1 & 2 Western & Eastern Cottages | Chichester District Council granted permission on 14/07/2014 |
HN/14/01527/FUL | Northmark, Foxbridge Drive Variation of Condition 2 & * from planning permission. Ommission of 2 no. double garages and replacement with open car parking spaces. | Pending consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/13/04020/FUL | Land North of Hunston Dairy Change of use from Agricultural Barn to automobile repair business for a temporary 5 years | Pending consideration by Chichester District Council |
HN/14/01032/FUL | 14 Highbank Timber garage at rear of property | Chichester District Council granted permission on 22/05/2014 |
HN/14/00653/TPA | Land South & West of 3 Outram Way Crown reduce by 25% (side and to branches to be reduced no more than 2.5m) and branches overhanging western sector fence line to be reduced by 3m on 6 no. Poplar Trees within Group G1 subject to HN/96/00550/TPO | Chichester District Council granted permission on 16/04/2014 |
HN/14/00461/ELD | Tennessee Farm Proposed certificate of Lawful development for Tennessee Farmhouse not being constructed in accordance with the approved plans of HN/16/62E | Chichester District Council granted permission on 28/04/2014 |
HN/14/00419/FUL | St Josephs Night Shelter Construction of new residential unit (class 2) for 5 persons with associated landscaping works | Chichester District Council granted permission on 3/04/2014 |
HN/14/00334/DOM | 72 Orchardside Retrospective construction of an outbuilding (presently used as a garage/workshop and utility room). | Chichester District Council granted permission on 23/04/2014 |
HN/14/00240/FUL | Chichester Golf Club Extension of golf range/golf shop for multi-use area comprising function area and coffee shop. Creation of 18 hole adventure golf course with ancillary structures and landscaping at Chichester Golf Club. | Chichester District Council granted permission on 24/03/2014 |
HN/14/00387/DOM | 2 Meadow Close Demolition of existing side extension and erection of side and rear single storey extension. Raise ridge height by 500mm. | Chichester District Council granted permission 28/03/2014 |
HN/14/00386/DOM | 41 St Leodegars Way Single storey extension. | Chichester District Council granted permission on 23/04/14 |
HN/13/04194/DOM | 35 Westlands Road Rear Chalet extension with dormer | Chichester District Council granted permission 03/04/2014 |
HN/13/03158/FUL | Land at Lakeside Barn The use of land for the stationing of 3 no. mobile homes and touring caravan for settled accommodation, the retention of access and hardstanding. The erection of 4 no. stables and tack room, and retention of use of former agricultural barn to provide ancillary utility area in connection with the use of land as a private gypsy and traveller site. | Chichester District Council granted permission on 07/03/14 |
HN/03574/TPA | 11 Foxbridge Drive Reduce height and width (back to old would points) and removal of two low horizontal branches at approx. 3.5m (above ground level) on 1 no. Poplar tree (T10) subject to HN/96/00550/TPO | Chichester District Council granted permission on 05/12/13 |
HN/13/03291/DOM | 2 Meadow Close Rear infill extension and new roof (increase in ridge height) | Chichester District Council refused permission on 19/12/13 |
HN/13/02904/FUL | 10 Oakview Selsey Road Hunston | Chichester District Council refused this application on 28/10/13 An appeal is now in progress |